An abnormal state meeting of major political gatherings today neglected to fashion agreement on the debated issues of Parliamentary Regulations as the decision and the restriction parties adhered to their old positions on the quality of the Parliamentary Hearing Committee. Nepali Congress Chief Whip Chin Kaji Shrestha said his gathering rejected the decision gatherings' suggestion that a 15-part PHC be shaped. Shrestha said NC's position was that the arrangement of the new constitution would be material just when the Upper House was framed and as there was no Upper House at exhibit, the PHC ought to have 73 individuals similar to the case under the Interim Constitution. 

"This is a transitional period and every single other board of trustees are working according to the old directions, so the PHC ought to likewise be shaped in like manner," Shrestha stated, including that his gathering pioneers told the meeting in the event that it was pressing to lead parliamentary hearing, at that point they ought to concede to resuscitating the old PHC. Shrestha said his gathering pioneers told the meeting that under the present framework, it was fundamental for the PHC to have more individuals to mirror the measure of the 601-part Parliament and to guarantee portrayal of all gatherings in Parliament. "The soul of the constitution is to guarantee portrayal of the considerable number of gatherings and groups in the PHC," Shrestha included.

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