On May 19, CCTV caught realistic film a cow seeming to safeguard a young lady from being assaulted by two men Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior range of India.Reports say the young lady, Seema Gujjar, disappointed her dad when she stole away with her 22-year-former beau, recognized just as Sonu. Seema's age was not said in nearby reports.At her dad's demand, Sonu was captured and put in prison. Seema declined to return home to her family after her beau's detainment, and selected rather to remain at an administration run shield for women.It was there that surveillance cameras caught a dairy animals going to her guide when she is mercilessly cut by two men, who were later distinguished as her dad Kalyan Singh and her uncle Lakhan Singh. As indicated by India's Hindustan Times, the two men were doing a respect killing, which is the point at which a man is killed over the conviction that they have shamed their family or group. 

Security film demonstrates the dairy animals charging at the men, constraining them to in the long run escape. Be that as it may, nearby media announced that Seema later seeped to death because of her numerous cut injuries. 

Nearby police say both Seema's dad and uncle have fled the city, and still can't seem to be found.

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