Performing artists are excellent and are constantly included in media. We get the chance to see them, fantasize about them and value their ability be that as it may, we generally disregard the individual who brought forth them. To respect the colossal identity who have brought forth the craftsmen we appreciate in the screen, this post is committed to them. 

Taking after video discusses a portion of the performers who have shared the photographs of their moms in long range informal communication locales. The on-screen characters like Rekha Thapa and Priyanka Karki routinely share the photographs of their moms. Rekha lives with her mom and she even joins her little girl in her outside visits. Priyanka additionally adores to share her mom's photographs in Facebook and other interpersonal interaction destinations. Different performers specified in the video incorporate Rajani KC, Surabina Karki, Saranga Shrestha, Gauri Malla, Nandita KC and others.

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