With solid stage nearness and striking elements, 32-year-old Anjali Lama takes a gander at home among the ocean of models at Lakmé Fashion Week in Mumbai. 

Be that as it may, with each progression on the runway, she is impacting the world forever. 

Conceived Nabin Waiba, as a kid experiencing childhood in the country region of Nuwakot in Nepal, Lama was frequently extremely harassed for having ladylike propensities. 

This week — as Anjali Lama — she turned into the principal transgender model to elegance the catwalk at India's debut mold occasion. 

A youth as Nabin Waiba 

Lama has spent the greater part of her life handling separation and partiality. 

As a youngster she was tormented at school, while at home she was constrained to comply with sex generalizations by her dad and siblings. 

"I delighted in wearing ladies' attire, and at school I for the most part had female companions. The children at school used to deride me and say 'he's a young lady.' Then at home, my dad would admonish me, asking 'what will you do with your life?'" 

Perused: Skin tone made her an online networking sensation 

At 18 years old, Lama moved to Nepal's capital city, Kathmandu, where her battle with sexual orientation personality proceeded. 

She portrays this period now as "mental torment." 

"I was there for school yet worked at a lodging and was let go in view of my ladylike conduct. They said I made the clients awkward," she tells CNN.

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