Neighborhood races are planned to be held in Nepal in two stages on 14 May 2017 and 14 June 2017 in 4 metropolitan urban areas, 13 sub-metropolitan urban areas, 241 districts and 486 town gatherings. They are the primary nearby decisions following 20 years and the first to be held since the proclamation of the 2015 constitution.Local races were held in 53 regions in February 2006/8/9 under King Gyanendra however were boycotted by the major political gatherings and saw low voter turnout.[3] Prior to 2006, the past races was held in 1997 with a command of five years. 

Races should be hung on 2002 however were postponed because of the then progressing Nepal Civil War. With the proclamation of the new constitution in 2015, a three-level administration framework was presented, with national, common and neighborhood levels of administration. A Local Body Restructuring Commission was built up as required by the constitution under the chairmanship of Balananda Paudel. The commission proposed 719 neighborhood structures which was modified to 744 by the legislature. The new neighborhood levels were framed by changing the current urban areas and town improvement chamber and appeared on 10 March 2017

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