Marriage, additionally called marriage or 

wedlock, is a socially or customarily 

perceived union between companions that 

builds up rights and commitments 

between them, amongst them and their 

kids, and amongst them and their in- 

laws.The meaning of marriage 

shifts as indicated by various societies, 

be that as it may, it is essentially an organization in 

which relational connections, 

typically sexual, are recognized. In a few 

societies, marriage is prescribed or 

thought to be mandatory some time recently 

seeking after any s@xual movement. At the point when 

characterized extensively, marriage is viewed as a 

social all inclusive. 

Nepali wedding party in conventional dress 

People may wed for a few 

reasons, including legitimate, social, 

libidinal, enthusiastic, money related, 

profound, and religious purposes. Whom 

they wed might be affected by socially 

decided guidelines of inbreeding, prescriptive 

marriage rules, parental decision and 

singular craving. In a few ranges of the 

world, masterminded marriage, youngster marriage, 

polygamy, and here and there constrained marriage, 

might be rehearsed as a social convention. 

On the other hand, such practices might be 

prohibited and punished in parts of the 

world out of worries for ladies' rights 

furthermore, as a result of universal law.

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