The primary restriction party CPN-UML on Wednesday drew the consideration of the Election Commission, asking for it not to plan the second period of nearby level races after the spending declaration. 

An assignment driven by UML Parliamentary Party's Deputy Leader Subas Chandra Nembang achieved the Commission office today and said the race set of accepted rules would ban the administration from reporting the financial plan for next monetary before the surveys. 

In the meeting, Nembang told the Commission authorities it was tragic that the protected body said the administration could exhibit the yearly spending plan for next monetary between two periods of neighborhood level races. 

Talking at a question and answer session at the Election Commission on Monday, Chief Election Commissioner Ayodhee Prasad Yadav had said the administration could report the financial backing on May 29 as it was settled in the constitution despite the fact that the second period of surveys would be hung on June 14 as chosen by the legislature. 

Thusly, the UML on Tuesday had chosen to draw the consideration of the Commission to the issue. 

The gathering has been contending that the legislature is wanting to impact the voters by declaring new projects in the spending articulation.

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