The examination results are in on amazing Mexican wrestler, Pedro Aguayo Ramirez Jr., referred to in the lucha libre circuits as "Hijo del Perro Aguayo" after he passed on in the ring on Friday while contending in a match in Tijuana, Mexico. As per Ernest Franco, the official specialist for the Tijuana Wrestling Commission, Aguayo kicked the bucket of a heart assault that he endured after a softened neck up the ring at the feet of another incredible wrestler, Rey Mysterio Jr. 

As indicated by the outcomes, Aguayo's spinal string was separated when he was kicked in the head by Rey Mysterio Jr. Not long after the kick, Aguayo endured a cervical stroke that provoked the heart assault that in the end slaughtered him. After the damage, Aguayo instantly fell on to the ropes of the ring and lay there oblivious while the match proceeded. 

Police are as of now examining the episode to decide if murder allegations ought to be brought upon Rey Mysterio Jr. who's genuine name is Oscar Guiterrez. In any case, the President of the Tijuana Wrestling Commission, Juan Carlos Pelayo, trusts that the demise was not Misterio's blame, and that no carelessness happened. 

Enthusiasts of the game have condemned the wrestling commission after video of the catastrophe surfaced web based demonstrating the gradualness of restorative help touching base to Aguayo. In the wake of falling oblivious, the match proceeded for almost two minutes before any therapeutic staff arrived. Indeed, even after help arrived, it took an additional 80 seconds for a specialist to get to Aguayo to figure out what wasn't right. 

The group of Pedro Aguayo Ramirez Jr. counting his Hall-of-Fame father, Pedro Aguayo Damian, referred to in the ring as "El Perro Aguayo," trusts that the passing was a deplorable mischance, and don't consider Rey Mysterio mindful. His dad and his family requested that Rey Mysterio be a pallbearer at the memorial service, which was held Monday and noticed the long history between Rey Mysterio and Aguayo Jr. Different wrestlers even posted photos of the combine as kids in their wrestling outfits together as verification of their long kinship and history.

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