Vijay Lama must have one of the coolest CVs to offer. His occupation titles are flexible as well as are the absolute most daring and goal-oriented vocations out there. Lama is an accomplished pilot, performing artist, lyricist, performer and tennis player. Considerably more great than his various collection is the way that he hasn't simply fiddled with these fields however exceeded expectations at them. Lama has pined for accomplishments to his name; being a Boeing 757 administrator, around 34 years of acting and media encounter, melody composing for significant component movies are recently some of his outstanding triumphs. How can he do it? 

In this meeting, we dig further into Lama's own battles and his privileged insights behind exceeding expectations at all that you do. DREAMS zeroes in on his present concentrate on acting and further investigates the makings of this all-rounder.

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