Sristi KC, 23 years, was conceived in Kathmandu as a more youthful sister to two siblings. She lost her vision while she was considering in review 8. From that point forward, her life took an alternate turn; her comprehension of vision ended up noticeably review. She thought it was brief. Her family additionally had an expectation that she will see one day on the grounds that exclusive seeing again was the best arrangement. 

"We went to such a variety of healing facilities. Yet, nothing happened. Gradually I started to change myself. However I hang on and trusted that I just missed my sight — I had my practical hands, leg and an inquisitive personality in place with my body to continue." 

She was a young person sought to get higher education. It was her fantasy to attend a university in slick school clothing, however no school would take her in, given to their absence of foundations to address her necessities. In any case, gratefully, she got admission to Dillibazar Kanya Multiple Campus , because of one of the clergymen around then. However, she couldn't concentrate the subject of her decision yet she understood that at any rate she got this open door that ought not be missed. 

KC used to think about by hearing. At that point, she utilized recorder to record classes in school. She made the material of wood all alone to consider. Furthermore, it worked. She bested the school and nation exam's too for which she got compensated with award from The President of Nepal. She likewise began contending in different projects like move, article, ballad, and so on. She finished her Bachelor in Sociology from a similar school. 

Sristi had a major enthusiasm for moving. In her leisure time, she considered learning move. Yet, once more, none of the moving foundation was prepared to show her. "They didn't trust me that I could move." 

It was again a squeezing minute for her. At that point, she decided that on the off chance that they won't show her how to move she'll learn it without anyone else's input and will instruct other visually impaired individuals to move. From that point onward, she composed Dance workshop for visually impaired interestingly. 

She got a chance to study a seven month course identified with social enterprise at Kanthari International, Kerala, India. Till some time, she worked in a similar school in various undertakings. With more certainty and thoughts she returned and established an association, 'Dazzle Rocks'.

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