The unlawful and questionable surgical operation was done in a private facility in Turkey, where European laws on ovary transplants don't make a difference, concedes the centennial mother who does not wish to uncover the name of the center where the operation was attempted. 

"I am exceptionally appreciative to all the group of specialists who chosen to go ahead with the operation," she conceded in tears. "I am so appreciative to have brought forth my seventeenth youngster. This is a genuine gift and a demonstration of the energy of the maker," she told neighborhood columnists. 

"For so long I have felt pointless to God, I couldn't reproduce since I turned 48 years of age when I was determined to have ovarian tumor. For quite a while I trusted God was rebuffing me for just bearing 16 youngsters, however in his genuine liberality, he has allowed me with richness at the end of the day," recognizes the exceptionally old intense Catholic.

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